Beats By Blake Non-Exclusive MP3 Lease License Agreement This Non-Exclusive MP3 Lease License Agreement (the “Agreement”) is entered into as of the Effective Date by and between Beats By Blake, hereinafter referred to as the "Producer" or "Licensor," and the undersigned individual or entity, hereinafter referred to as "You" or "Licensee." 1. Grant of License 1.1 License Fee: In consideration for the payment of $20 (the “License Fee”), Producer grants Licensee a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to use the Beat, which is a high-quality MP3 file titled "Preview Track Only" (the “Beat”). The License Fee must be paid on or before the Effective Date for this Agreement to be valid. 1.2 Delivery of the Beat: Producer will deliver the Beat to Licensee via email upon receipt of the License Fee. Delivery will be made to the email address provided by Licensee. 1.3 Term: This Agreement is effective for a term of ten (10) years from the Effective Date and will expire on the ten (10) year anniversary of the Effective Date. 2. Use of the Beat 2.1 Authorized Use: Licensee is granted the right to: Incorporate the Beat into one (1) new song or piece of instrumental music (the “New Song”). Modify the Beat’s arrangement, length, tempo, or pitch. Use the New Song for promotional purposes, including digital streaming and live performances. Include the New Song in synchronization with one (1) audiovisual work not exceeding five (5) minutes (the “Video”). Sell up to 1,000 downloads or physical copies and up to 100,000 streams of the New Song. 2.2 Restrictions: Licensee is prohibited from: Transferring or assigning any rights to third parties. Synchronizing the Beat or New Song with audiovisual works except as specified. Licensing or sublicensing the Beat or New Song for sampling. Engaging in unlawful copying or distribution of the Beat. Registering the Beat or New Song with any content identification system. 3. Ownership and Copyright 3.1 Ownership: Producer retains all rights, title, and interest in the Beat, including copyrights. Licensee does not own the master recording or sound recording rights to the Beat or New Song. 3.2 Publishing Rights: The underlying composition in the New Song will be co-owned by Producer and Licensee, each holding a 50% share. 4. Mechanical License 4.1 Controlled Composition: Producer will issue mechanical licenses for any Controlled Composition included in the New Song, with Licensee paying mechanical royalties as specified. 5. Credit 5.1 Producer Credit: Licensee agrees to credit Producer as "Produced by Beats By Blake" on all physical and digital releases, including cover notes and online listings. 6. Licensor’s Option 6.1 Termination Option: Producer may terminate this Agreement within three (3) years by providing written notice to Licensee and paying two hundred percent (200%) of the License Fee. 7. Breach and Remedies 7.1 Cure Period: Licensee has five (5) business days to cure any breach upon notice from Producer. Failure to cure may result in termination and liability for damages. 7.2 Injunctive Relief: Producer may seek injunctive relief for breaches that may cause irreparable harm. 8. Warranties and Indemnification 8.1 Warranties: Both parties warrant they have the right to enter into this Agreement and will not infringe upon any third-party rights. 8.2 Indemnification: Each party agrees to indemnify and hold the other harmless from any claims arising from breaches of warranties or obligations under this Agreement. 9. Miscellaneous 9.1 Governing Law: This Agreement is governed by the laws of Florida, United States. 9.2 Dispute Resolution: Any disputes will be resolved in the courts located in Florida, United States. 9.3 Notices: Notices must be sent by registered or certified mail, and any notices to Producer should be copied to [law firm address]. 9.4 Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the parties and can only be modified in writing. 9.5 Execution: This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and by electronic means, with electronic signatures being as valid as original signatures. By paying the License Fee, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to the terms of this Agreement. Producer (Licensor): Beats By Blake